Let's explore this Dream Realm by outlining its components. Each level in the Subjective has three components which were identified in our last article as Processes, Systems and Existence or Energy, Form and Consciousness. So as not to confuse everyone, I will refer to the 3rd aspect here as Systems and not Form. At this level, forms happen to be the best term for the Consciousness/Existence aspect. Although Webster’s only makes one reference (from Philos) that makes form consciousness, the following descriptions of form will better show its relationship to an Existence of life and not just the material aspect of life.

But before that, what Definition is to the subjective Physical Realm, Molding is to the Dream Realm. The Processes of Molding provide the energetic or driving force in the Dream Realm. Molding is to "work into a certain shape," to "make or shape in or on a mold." An excellent synonym for molding is morphing which means "changing shape or form in a smoothly continuous series." In regular dreams, landscapes and environments seem like those in waking life, but do not behave the same way our physicality does. Landscapes change without any logical transition. Many times after waking, we realize that even though we know we’re familiar with the particular environment in the dream, it doesn't match objective physical reality.

Take a Journey through our 
Spirit/Matter Universe


by Jef Bartow

Most of us have been brought up with the notion that our dream life is not real and, therefore we should ignore our scary dreams at night. That we don't go anywhere when we go to sleep, it's just that our body needs rest. I'm sometimes amazed at how much humanity accepts these fantasies with all of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Today, it is similar to holding on to the concept that the earth is flat and the center of the universe.

In order for us to truly investigate the reality of the Subjective, we must be willing to leave behind childish ideas and embrace what the best minds and mystics have been telling us for millenniums. The easiest level of the Subjective for us to embrace is the Dream Realm. It is the subjective counterpart to the objective Emotional Plane. It is also closely tied to both the inner objective Instinctual Plane and the Imaginative Plane. This is why the majority of our regular dreams involve our emotions, our instincts like fear, aggression and sex and images that are very similar to our waking fantasies.

The Dream Ego as defined by C.G. Jung is a "very limited and curiously distorted ego," but still connected to the consciousness of our ego. The key difference is that it is not "under the control of the conscious will." This is exactly true until we learn Lucid dreaming in which we learn to consciously control our dreams. The reality of conscious dreaming is how we learn the fundamental reality of the Dream Realm and its pivotal place within our daily life.

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In Lucid dreaming, we learn how to shape our environment to meet our dream intent. Landscapes become very moldable and we learn how to morph the dream based on our desire or volition. This is exactly how we begin to use the Processes in the Dream Realm and make our dreamland real.

The Systems in the Dream Realm are life fields. These fields channel and maintain the mold of energy that produces forms. These fields hold various forms together within our bodies. Fritjof Capra provides a new physics perspective in: "now the force concept was replaced by a much subtler concept of a field which had its own reality and could be studied without a reference to material bodies." David Bohm identified a "formative wave" which gives form to the activities of an entity and provides the goal toward which the entity is moving. 

Rupert Sheldrake, a British biologist, has developed a bold theory of "morphogenesis." Morphogenesis means the "coming into being or form" or the process by which things "attain, maintain, and pass on their forms." His theory of morphogenesis defines hidden fields that direct all stages of morphogenesis and the final form things take. 

These morphogenetic fields are not physical fields, but in a "non-physical dimension." They give animate and inanimate life their form and movement. Morphogenetic fields give regular shape and movement to the universe. Simply, these non-physical fields are how learned traits and subtle changes of behavior get passed on to other members of the same species without any contact or interaction.

Within the Dream Realm itself, the Systems of life fields become organized into our dream body. For lesser evolved species, the life fields do not become as individualized as for humans and are shared throughout the species, similar to how individualized human souls are distinguished from lower evolved species’ group souls in the higher Heaven Realm. 

The resulting Consciousness or Existence in the Dream Realm are simply forms. Aristotle philosophically defined form as what gives "unity to a portion of matter; things increase in actuality by acquiring forms; more form means more actuality." Psychologically, "form, despite its ties with matter, is a ‘continuity that is superordinate to the living organism.’" Metaphysically, all forms are the expression of the "indwelling ensouling life." St. Aquinas provides the best delineation of forms as consciousness/existence through the following: “a subject which previously existed only potentially acquires actual existence when it acquires substantial form…”

Sri Aurobindo defined a "psychical consciousness" which equates to our "Dream-Self," or what don Juan labeled the “human form.” The human form in the nagual (Subjective) is "something sticky, a sticky force that makes us the people we are." It "possesses us during our lives and doesn't leave us until we die." A simple way to look at it is that our human form or dream self is the subjective counterpart to our objective personality.

Just as we must transform our personality and transmute our objective bodies on the Spiritual Path, we must completely reorganize our dream body (organized life fields) and also "lose our human form" in the Dream Realm. Fully developing our subjective dream body is part of learning to travel during conscious dreaming. It then becomes our "illusory light-body" through "saving our energy" as described by don Juan. "Don Juan explained that the dreaming body is not a ghost, but as real as anything we deal with in the world.” 

Within the Dream Realm we ultimately learn to "focus on our total being as a field of energy," which can be transformed into "anything suitable." Beyond fully developing our dream body, this also requires “losing the human form,” which is completely tied to who we are as humans. Without the human form, we then become free to be who we are as a spiritual Being. 

Transcending our humanness must be done both objectively and subjectively. Objectively, we progress to develop and become our potential spiritual Self. Subjectively, we transform our human form and soul (to be discussed in the next article) into our potential subjective Beingness. Together, they become the manifested incarnation of our spark of the God Within.