Take a Journey through our
Spirit/Matter Universe
Our Inner Source of Love
& Feminine Spirit
by Jef Bartow
Beyond our “spark of God,” we have two higher Planes of abstraction which embody the 12 Characteristics of Spirit within our systemic universe. The originating source of these Characteristics of Spirit is beyond our systemic Planes, our Cosmic Planes, our Inter-Cosmic Planes, etc. etc. Fantastically, they can express throughout our systemic universe by the lives and Beings that manifest within our 12 systemic Planes.
As demonstrated in previous articles, our systemic universe is made up of seven outer and five inner Planes of Objectivity. From the home of our Monad, we move up and in to the next higher Plane termed the Love Plane. As an inner Plane it has five energetic subplanes. These five energies of Spirit include Love, Harmony, Faith, Purity and Serenity. As the inner five Planes represent the passive pole of Objectivity, these five Characteristics of Spirit can also be viewed as holding the feminine pole of Spirit. As you embrace each of these Characteristics of Spirit, feel and intuit how they are similar and unique, passive and feminine.
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Each Characteristic of Spirit is linked directly to one of the 12 systemic Planes. Serenity is the characteristic linked to our Instinctual Plane. As you embrace Serenity, see if you can determine how Serenity is the absence of instinctual activity. When we transmute our instinctual nature, Serenity is the quality or presence which takes its place.
A number of synonyms for serenity are tranquility, exalted, equipoise and quiescence. Tranquility represents Serenity as both serene and placid. Quiescence is a lack of activity while equipoise represents a perfect state of balance or equilibrium. The state of Serenity becomes the exalted motionless state of perfect equilibrium. Similar to the "Void" as the lowest energetic state in the next lower inner Unity Plane, Serenity embodies the lowest subplane of the five energies of the Love Plane.
Purity from the Love Plane becomes directly linked to the inner Imaginative Plane. Our highest imaginative energies as virtues help embody virtuous Purity. Various definitions of purity include "freedom from adulterating matter, clearness, flawless, unmixed and lucid." Synonyms include homogeneity, unmodified, undefiled, transparent and whole.
Purification is one of the most powerful processes we use on the Spiritual Path. Purification changes our flawed, mixed, defiled energies within each of our bodies until they become clear transparent channels for higher energies. Purification also changes our consciousness to become a homogeneous, lucid, clear whole embodiment of higher wisdom and knowledge. At this point, we then become the lucid flawless transparent carrier of our inner spiritual nature.
From the inner Imaginative Plane, we leap directly up to the inner Inspirational Plane which embodies Faith from the middle subplane of the Love Plane. Although the common definition of faith focuses on belief, Faith as a Characteristic of Spirit has nothing to do with belief. Webster's does help with key words regarding faith as: trust, confidence, reliance, certitude, assurance, conviction and fidelity.
Western mysticism helps elucidate the embodiment of Faith. "Having lost their faith" means to have lost one's communication and communion with Spirit. "Made whole by faith" is the nurturing supportive healing that takes place with Faith. As a Characteristic of Spirit, Faith restores our trust, reliance and fidelity in Spirit through the nurturing supportive healing that each of us needs to maintain a continuous communication and communion with Spirit. This Faith is the healing energy of God.
If you remember, we described the inner Unity Plane as our attic of unification above our spiritual center in the outer Spiritual Plane. Here Harmony first manifests from its local source in the Love Plane. Harmony is typically defined as euphony or the "pleasant combination of agreeable sounds." Synonyms include affinity and unity.
Various philosophers, both Eastern and Western envisioned our universe to be based on a "pre-established harmony." Metaphysically, this harmony is that which brings to perfection all forms within creative manifestation. If we think about perfection, it certainly would not include the chaos and disagreeable conflicting energies within daily life.
The unity of a group or society is attained through the growing affinity, euphony and perfecting expression of creativity by the group. Harmony is the Characteristic of Spirit that both actively and latently conditions all manifested matter to seek growth, unity and perfection. It helps fulfill cosmic purpose by leading creative diversity to the unified wholeness of One in perfection.
If Harmony is that which helps fulfill cosmic purpose, Love is the cosmic purpose for all of manifestation. God creativity in this cycle is to instill Love in all active intelligent matter from the last cycle. What is this Love? Simply it is attraction. "It is indeed the free-flowing, outgoing, magnetically attractive force which leads each pilgrim home to the Father’s House."
A simple way to embrace his Love is through its expression as coherent abundant attractive giving. Coherent is simply an integrated and unified connectedness. The more we selflessly give in an abundant way, the more we gain a unified connectedness with all of life. The love which goes out from us becomes the Love which comes back to us.
One way to look at Divine Love is that it is a synthesis of all five of these Characteristics of Spirit we’ve been describing. Divine Love embodies the attraction of Love; the perfecting and unifying into wholeness of Harmony; the nurturing healing communion of Faith; the virtuous flawless lucidity of Purity and the exalted equilibrium of Serenity.
It is fairly easy to conclude that this divine loving, harmonizing, healing purifying serenity is God. But, there are seven other Characteristics of Spirit to complete the wholeness of God at the level of Spirit. Next month we will describe the seven outer Characteristics of Spirit and complete our journey in describing and experiencing the 12 Planes of our objective systemic universe.