Metaphysically, this creative wisdom is the objective expression of the energy of Love - Wisdom, or more commonly referred to as the 2nd Ray. As referred to by The Tibetan, this cosmic Love - Wisdom expresses the desire nature of the Solar Logos (the Being whose physical body is our entire solar system). The source of this Love - Wisdom is in the Cosmic Emotional Plane where his desire nature resides, just as Man's desire nature resides in the Emotional Plane.

Moving further into Spirit, we find the abstracting energy of discernment. I define this energy as discrimination up into Spirit. Similar to will-to-be, it is a directed purposeful energy. As embodying the 5th Monadic subplane, discernment is the originating energy source of the highest discriminating ability of the mind of Man on the 5th Mental Plane. This discernment can also be described as the creative synthesized energy source from which contemplation on the 5th subplane of the Spiritual Plane is unfolded.

Take a Journey through our 
Spirit/Matter Universe

The Home of our “Spark of God”

by Jef Bartow

In our last article, we described the treasures in our attic of unification above our human existence. There are three groups of energies beyond this attic, the Unity Plane. I label them synthesizing abstractions as they are abstracted from our human universe and they represent a lower synthesis of cosmic energies. 

Just as I discussed a reversal between the Planes of our Personality and the Planes of our spiritual Self, there is a transition that we must make in order to penetrate the energies of the Planes of synthesizing abstraction. Upon making this transition, we first encounter the energies of the Monadic Plane.

The best way to begin discussing the Monadic Plane is with its closest connection to the lower Planes (i.e. its 7th subplane). This lowest monadic energy is the domain of the "Voice of Silence," or the "Word of God."

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and a Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God. 
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made." (Holy Bible, John 1, vs. 3)

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Finally, our first synthesizing energy of the Monadic Plane is Will. Metaphysically, Will is that which "creates and organizes matter." Will "spiritualizes every thing." Will is the "energy which brings about synthesis." This divine Will is the "Shambhala Force" or "life force," which "implements divine intention." From Sri Aurobindo, "Something of the Supreme Will can manifest in us as imperative impulsion, a God-driven action; we then act by a spontaneous self-determining Force."

Another excellent source regarding Will comes from David Bohm, considered a "scientist of wholeness." He identifies Will as a "force of necessity." He traces the root of the word necessary to ne-cesse which means "not yielding." So, the essence of Will is necessary impetus for change. It is the driving force of change behind all activity within Matter. Will is the impulse or urge within all manifestation toward creating and fulfilling God’s Integrity. It is the efficient cause of change, which is essential if active intelligent Matter is to fully express Love.

The three synthesizing energies of the Monad 

On our upward journey we now reach the three energies of our Monad, or our creative originating source for us in manifestation. In keeping with "As Above, So Below" here is the objective expression of Will, Love and Active Intelligence. Here is the home of the Monad of Man. 

In the recently discovered writings of the Christian Gnostics, the term Monad appears with various definitions or labels. In The Three Tablets of Seth, the Monad is the "the parent Barbelo;" a "nonexistent from an undivided, thrice -- powerful One." In The Secret Book According to John, the Monad is the "parent of the entirety; the invisible spirit; a unitary principle of rule; god."

As I feel my way through these verses, I experience a sense of separation from this Word, just as I experience separation from both the normal sounds of the outer world and the words from that "still small voice" within. The Tibetan in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire equates the Word of God with the Voice of the Monad.  Since the Monadic Plane is the domain of our Monad or "spark of God," this is where that voice speaks from.

From this place across an abyss (transition), we next touch the 6th subplane energy of creative wisdom. In Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism by Lama Anagarika Govinda, five Wisdoms are defined. The highest or 5th Wisdom is defined as "all accomplishing Wisdom." This is the pure transcendental Buddha knowledge, the source of all Wisdom, the center of undifferentiated Suchness. I relate this Monadic domain as the source from which the Buddha received the pure transcendental knowledge in enlightenment. I term it creative because it is the creative source from which all wisdom flows. 
Metaphysically, this creative wisdom is the objective expression of the energy of Love - Wisdom, or more commonly referred to as the 2nd Ray. As referred to by The Tibetan, this cosmic Love - Wisdom expresses the desire nature of the Solar Logos (the Being whose physical body is our entire solar system). The source of this Love - Wisdom is in the Cosmic Emotional Plane where his desire nature resides, just as Man's desire nature resides in the Emotional Plane.
The simplest way for me to understand this is to think of Active Intelligence as originating source of how we think and move matter. This active intelligence is expressed down the Planes through both At-one-ment and Holy Spirit in the Spiritual Plane; gnosis or knowledge in the Unity Plane; and enlightenment from the Intuitional Plane.

Moving into our second synthesizing energy of the Monadic Plane, we encounter Love. Simply, Love is attraction. The Tibetan describes this "love of God:" "It is indeed the free-flowing, outgoing, magnetically attractive force which leads each pilgrim home to the Father’s House." This love is the attractive impulse coming from beyond the normal home of both Monad and Man which conditions all objective manifested existence. 

It is expressed into the lower Planes as presence in the second unity subplane; synthesis in the second spiritual subplane; ecstasy in the second inspirational subplane; compassion in the second intuitional subplane; humility in the second subplane of the Mental Plane and generosity in the second subplane of the Emotional Plane.

Monadic Plane
  Midway within the energies of the Monadic Plane we touch the objective expression of archetypes. Both philosophy and psychology credit the term archetypes to C. G. Jung, the originator of analytical psychology and the differentiator of the personal and collective unconscious.  Jung draws the term archetypes from Philo Judaeus in reference to the "God -- image" in man. He defines various levels and types of archetypes which can be related to various levels within our Spirit/Matter continuum. Keywords which will help us begin to touch this energy are autonomous, numinous, transcendent, preexistence, symbolic and, of course, spiritual.  

To describe this archetypical energy using Jung's terms, I begin by saying that this energy projects the various images of God into the domain of Man's existence. This monadic archetypical energy is numinous, providing a deeply spiritual and mystical effect. It abstracts both personality and soul from normal daily existence. This 4th monadic subplane energy is a higher underlying energy which unfolds the principals of the 4th subplane of the Spiritual Plane and the synchronicities of the 4th subplane of the Intuitional Plane.  
To better understand this synthesizing Will, it expresses down through the Planes as purpose in the Unity Plane; Will to Be in the Spiritual Plane; rapture in the Inspirational Plane; balance in the Intuitional Plane; discrimination in the Mental Plane; virtues in the Imaginative Plane and elation/zeal in the Emotional Plane. As our highest synthesizing energy, it produces the highest impetus for change through each lower Plane.

I conclude that we have the potential to develop monadic senses through our direct contact and penetration into our Monad. As I wrote in my book, describing them at this point would be purely theoretical. So, for this article I will leave it for the future.

In summary, the Monadic Plane is a synthesizing abstraction to the universe we live in. It is made up of energies that transcend our existence and at the same time convey Cosmic Energies in our level of Matter. Our contact with these monadic energies comes when we “pay the price” in spiritual growth to become a co-creator with God.